Meet the clinicians supporting the Yorkshire Brain Appeal!

Dr Rumana Chowdhury specialises in dementia research, which is one of the main research strands of the Yorkshire Brain Appeal.

Dr Chowdhury is a Consultant Neurologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust. She joined the Trust in 2016 and has developed a cognitive neurology service.

Her on-going research interests involve using neuroimaging to investigate cognitive processing and brain networks in older age and dementia. 

Rumana graduated from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne with a First Class BMedSci and MBBS. She trained in general medicine in Newcastle upon Tyne (MRCP 2006) and in neurology in London at King's College Hospital, Guys and St Thomas' Hospital and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (MRCP Neurology 2010).

Her PhD thesis, funded by a Wellcome Trust fellowship, investigated cognition in healthy older age using structural and functional MRI and pharmacotherapy. For this she was awarded the national British Neuroscience Association award (2013) and produced several publications (Journal of Neuroscience, 2012 and Nature Neuroscience, 2013).

The Yorkshire Brain Appeal is a linked charity of Leeds Hospitals Charity dedicated to funding research into brain diseases. In Leeds we see around 9,000 new Neurology patients every year.  Conditions include Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Epilepsy and Migraine as well as others and can affect patients in many different ways.

Read More about Rumana's fundraising here: Rumana's Story - London Marathon