Board of Trustees

Our Board of Trustees is legally responsible for the Charity's governance and strategic direction: Trustees are also the directors of the limited company under company law.

The Board is accountable for everything we do, setting the Charity’s vision, values, strategy and policies for our key activities and monitoring our progress. It ensures that the Charity remains financially sustainable and appoints, advises and supports the Chief Executive, who leads our staff towards achieving our vision and purpose.

Leeds Hospitals Charity has ten Trustees and two Associate Trustees, each of which is appointed for an initial term of three years. Trustees are able to serve a maximum of nine years, which provides an opportunity for fresh perspectives, skills and experience to be included on a regular basis. We aim to have a Board that reflects our diverse communities and we actively monitor and continually strive to increase the Board’s diversity.

Our Trustees

In line with our value of being Transparent, you can access our Trustees' interests:

Our Register of Trustee Interests

The Board of Trustees meets at least every quarter and to improve the effective governance of the Charity it has also established the following Board Committees to scrutinise different areas of the Charity’s work.

We're looking for new trustees!

If you are interested in becoming a Leeds Hospitals Charity Trustee, please see the exciting opportunities on our careers page.

Become a Leeds Hospitals Charity Trustee

Our Board Committees

Legal Form and Charitable Status

Leeds Hospitals Charity is a company limited by guarantee that was incorporated on 22 November 2016. It is governed by a Memorandum and Articles of Association – company number 10492128.

Leeds Hospitals Charity is a registered Charity which means it is wholly and exclusively established for charitable purposes and that it provides public benefit - charity number 1170369.

Leeds Hospitals Charity encompasses 12 linked charities for which it is the Sole Corporate Trustee. The linked charities share the same charity number as Leeds Hospitals Charity, have the same Trustees and are connected because of the services they provide.

Our Charitable Objects are

(a) to further any charitable purpose or purposes relating to the general or any specific purposes of the NHS trust or the purposes of the health service.

(b) to promote, protect, preserve and advance all or any aspects of the health of the public.

(c) to advance and promote knowledge and education in medicine and health including by engaging in and supporting medical and health research and the dissemination of the useful results.

The Charity fundraises actively in order to award grant funding to fulfil these charitable Objects.

Public Benefit

The Trustees have a duty to comply with Section 17 of the Charities Act 2011, which outlines the Charity Commission’s general guidance on public benefit.

The Trustees confirm that Leeds Hospitals Charity has fulfilled this public benefit requirement and that this is strongly embedded within the Charity’s procedures for approving funding applications and spending plans. 

In practice, this means that the Trustees ensure that all funding applications and spending plans contain clear, identifiable public benefits that meet the strategic goals and charitable Objects of Leeds Hospitals Charity and support NHS charitable purposes relating to Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and its patients.

The Trustees compare each funded project’s achievements and outcomes against the strategic goals and activities of Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in order to review the benefits brought to the public.