Leeds Hospitals Charity - Funding Team

Our team is responsible for processing applications for funding to the Charity. Applications can made against six funding priority areas: Research & Innovation, Health & Wellbeing, Education, Environment, Equipment and Specialist Staff.

The team works closely with the hospital and university staff to process applications and prepare them for review by the Small Grants Panel (if up to £10,000) and Trustees via the Funding Committee and the Research & Innovation Committee (if over £10,001). The team is responsible for all elements of the grant management cycle from the promotion of funding opportunities through to understanding the impact of funding. Applications can be received from staff at all eight hospitals.

Leeds Hospitals Charity – Funding

We want to be able to say yes to every request for funding that we receive. However, we also know there are some areas where we can have a greater impact and make a bigger difference to the patients, families, and staff. These are areas that might be short of traditional funding through the NHS or involve a project that has the potential to impact lots of people in a short space of time.

Over the next few years, we’ll prioritise projects that align with our three areas of impact focus: Innovation and Health Technology, Reducing Health Inequalities and Rare Diseases. Since April 2023 we have funded a huge range of projects from new equipment and technologies to investment in research to support staff with funding for trials and new innovations.

Funding for Education

Earlier this year, the Breast MDT identified that training for staff on the new tattoo machines was a priority and would need to be untaken to provide the best possible care and support to patients and ensure that the service can be run every week of the year.

The Breast Team deliver a much-needed service to patients who have undergone surgery for breast cancer. Patients who have then had reconstruction or other breast altering surgery require nipple tattooing to complete their treatment. Leeds Hospitals Charity was able to fund this training for staff to support the team to utilise this specialist equipment to enhance the care and service provided to patients. We also provide funding for many educational initiatives that enable staff to access training to further their skills, perspective, and knowledge base.

Funding for Health & Wellbeing

Since 2020 Leeds Hospitals Charity has continued to fund the Employee Support Fund each year to support staff across Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust. This fund provides immediate financial support to staff who are experiencing financial hardship, ensuring the best possible care and support for people.

Read more: The difference your donations make

Funding for Specialist Equipment 

Gillian, a patient undergoing treatment at the Leeds Stoke Rehabilitation Unit using a Motomed Bike

Thanks to generous donations and incredible fundraising efforts Leeds Hospitals Charity was able to fund a brand new MOTOmed bike for the Stroke Rehabilitation Unit at Chapel Allerton Hospital, which supports stroke patients during their rehabilitation journey.

Becky, one of the Team Leads for the Stroke Rehabilitation Unit said:

“The previous bike was over 20 years old, and after much use it completely broke down. It did cause us some panic as the bike is such an integral part of rehab and a huge benefit to our patients.”

In 2022, a previous member of the Stroke Rehabilitation Team took on the challenge of cycling the length of his shift and covered over 300km, fundraising for a new bike for the unit. The challenge raised over £2000, and Leeds Hospitals Charity also part funded over £2000 to buy the new and improved bike.

Gillian, one of our patients at the Stroke Rehabilitation Unit said:

“I often wonder what my progress would look like if there was no MOTOmed Bike. The exercise is a visual way to see my progress and give my body movement. It also helped me both socially and psychologically.”

Read more: Donations help fund brand new MOTOmed Bike for rehab patients

Update on applying for Funding for up to £10,000

There will be two more opportunities to apply for both Standard and R&I funding up to £10,000 in the current financial year (up to 31 March 2024).

You can apply between now and 6th December 2023 for a decision before the end of December. 

You can also apply between 21st February 2024 and 6th March 2024 for a decision before the end of March 2024.

More information and a link to our application forms are below:

All applications will be considered on merit with funding going to those projects that:

  • Demonstrate the potential for the most impact for patients, their families and or staff at Leeds Teaching Hospitals. 
  • Align with one of our impact areas of focus (Reducing Health Inequalities, Rare Diseases and Health Technology & Innovation)
  • Are something we can be proud of 
  • Have the potential to increase the profile of Leeds Hospitals Charity and/or Leeds Teaching Hospitals

You will not be able to make an application for up to £10,000 between 6th December 2023 and 21st February 2024. 

If you are a nurse, nursing associate, midwife or AHP you can apply for funding for education and training via the LTHT Corporate Nursing CPD Fund.

Exceptional Circumstances

If any of the following apply, please contact the team on: [email protected]

  • For those of you associated with an approved spending plan who intended to make an application outside of the timeframe
  • If you’re working with a donor who wishes to donate to support in full a project that you’re associated with

Leeds Hospitals Charity is proud to fund a range of projects across Leeds Teaching Hospitals to make a real difference to patients, families, and staff. 

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us via [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Best wishes,

Becky, Charlotte, Alex, Jess & Andrea

Leeds Hospitals Charity Grants Team