Leeds Cares is proud to be one of the many national charities collaborating in the national ‘COVID-19’ urgent appeal.

The appeal was launched in mid-March by NHS Charities Together, the non-profit body that represents NHS charities in the UK. The appeal hopes to raise £100 million to support NHS staff and patients through the coronavirus pandemic – providing funding for wellbeing projects, mental health initiatives and items to support isolated patients.

Read more: NHS Charities Together - Our partnership

The appeal has already raised £25 million since launching, through fundraising initiatives and high-profile donations. Every penny raised through the appeal is split equally between the member charities – of which there are almost 200 in the UK. Leeds Cares will use any funding raised through the appeal to support initiatives already identified in our own urgent appeal.

Any of the fundraising initiatives launched by NHS Charities Together can be used to fundraise for the NHS nationally, or to support our hospitals here in Leeds. You can see some of the ideas from the national appeal – including weekend camp outs and celebrity auctions – on the NHS Charities Together website.

Read more: NHS Charities Together News

You can also join in with Leeds Cares own virtual fundraising – through ‘Ernie’s Big Challenge’ – by joining our facebook group here.