This week, Leeds Hospitals Charity unveiled the highly anticipated bust of Captain Sir Tom Moore in the Bexley Wing at St James Hospital thanks to the amazing donation from Garry McBride, founder of Derbyshire-based Monumental Icons.

The bust of the Second World War veteran – complete with medals and the NHS fundraising hero’s trademark blazer badge – is now proudly displayed in the atrium of the Cancer Centre in Bexley Wing.

Captain Sir Tom Moore said: “I’m truly humbled by the support I have received from far and wide and I’m delighted to hear the funds are going to such worthy initiatives.

The sculpture is wonderful and Leeds Teaching Hospitals is a great home for it to be placed.”

Captain Sir Tom, who raised over £33 million by walking laps of his Bedfordshire garden, has directly impacted the work and support of so many NHS staff across the United Kingdom.

Thanks to his amazing fundraising efforts, Leeds Hospitals Charity has funded a number of different initiatives including an employee, patient and volunteer support fund, a new staff room refurbishment to support frontline workers as well as funding bedside tv and radio for patients who were not able to receive visitors.

Garry McBride, Founder of Monumental Icons and commissioner of the bust, said: “I am absolutely honoured that this amazing memorial to Captain Sir Tom Moore will sit proudly at St James Hospital in Leeds. With Captain Sir Tom being from Keighley, we thought there would be no better place for it.

2020 has been a really difficult year for everyone, not least for the NHS, and I wanted to make sure Captain Sir Tom’s achievements and how he became everyone’s beacon of light are remembered forever.”

For more information on the amazing work at Monumental Icons, please visit