Join us as we celebrate the NHS birthday on the 5th July by wearing purple to raise funds to support Leeds Teaching Hospitals. You can wear anything purple, from purple ties or socks to a full purple outfit!

Are you a staff member? Download your Wear Purple Poster

Are you a supporter? Download your Wear Purple Poster

How to get involved:

Step 1: Plan your purple day outfit. If you need some inspiration, head down to one of our local charity shops to get some styling tips from our shop volunteers!

Step 2: Support our incredible NHS staff by making a donation or setting up a JustGiving page.

Step 3: Purplify your grid! Take a Wear Purple selfie on the 5th July and tag us on social media.

Get started and set up your fundraising page!

Make a suggested donation of £3 here

Need more information or assistance? We're more than happy to help!

Contact the Leeds Hospitals Charity Fundraising Team:

[email protected] or 0113 539 7020

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