Bequeathed, free online will service

If you’re looking for a convenient way to write or update your Will, you can use our free online Will writing service, Will For Good, offered through our partnership with Bequeathed and available to people in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

To start, create your account with Bequeathed and follow the simple steps to create a draft Will.

You’ll need to answer some initial online interview questions to help gather all the information required to make your Will. It takes around 20 minutes and the Bequeathed team is online to help. You’ll be given clear guidance every step of the way.

Once you’ve completed the online interview, you’ll be given a 30-minute appointment with an accredited legal firm. Choose phone or video call, your home or their office*. Here you can discuss your situation and wishes, and check that the will caters for your needs.

There is never any charge for a standard will, which is suitable for most people. However, if your circumstances are complex, and you require further legal advice, the legal firm will explain what’s needed and give you a quote to consider.

Once your Will is completed, the firm will help you with getting it signed and witnessed, and store it for you, also completely free of charge.

Having an up-to-date Will is the only way to make sure the people and causes you care about are looked after, after you’re gone. There is absolutely no obligation to include a gift to Leeds Hospitals Charity in your Will; however, we hope that some people will consider this after loved ones have been provided for.

*Please note that due to the continuing COVID 19 situation, all appointments are being conducted via telephone/video call.

Start your online Will

A donation in your Will can fund the research that will help discover better treatments, better care and, ultimately, cures.

“It was interesting to learn some of the cystic fibrosis support was made possible thanks to someone’s Will. We'd have been lost without that team during his stay.”

close up of a man holding up a baby

When Rufus was born with cystic fibrosis, it was the specialist staff at Leeds Children’s Hospital who got him back home with his family. 

You too can help a local family like Rufus’ in their hour of greatest need. By remembering Leeds Hospitals Charity in your Will, you could fund researchers in their search for life-changing treatments for cystic fibrosis or help to upgrade crucial equipment and hospital rooms. Together, we can go above and beyond the care and support that our local NHS service offers.

READ MORE: Rufus' Story: Leaving a Gift in Your Will

Need more help?

Please feel free to get in touch by emailing Susan Baulk at [email protected] or calling 0113 539 8198, and we’ll do everything we can to help.

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