Testimonials from supporters who have chosen to remember Leeds Hospitals Charity in their Will.

“I have been a patient at Leeds Cancer Centre for some years now, during which time I have had many tests and treatments.  I am very conscious that just a few years ago, before such rapid progress technology, I would probably not have survived for so long.

The staff and diagnostic equipment have impressed me immensely and I am left with a deep sense of gratitude.  I am pleased to have made a legacy pledge to Leeds Hospitals Charity in the hope that it can help towards the purchase and maintenance of equipment.”

Merton Nicholls

READ MORE: Merton's Story: Leaving a Gift in Your Will

"I owe my life to St James’s Hospital. IVF technology helped my mother to conceive, A liver transplant saved my life and my children took their first breath in the hospital. 

Leaving a gift was the least I could do. Knowing I can make a difference to patients and staff long after I am gone is empowering."

Louise Prashad

“My husband died in January 2022 following a long illness and battle with cancer since 2005.

His treatment at The Bexley Wing, St James Hospital, was second to none. Everyone concerned were extremely caring and professional people. We were very grateful for their help and determination in improving his life as far as possible.

In view of our incredible experience Ian decided he would like to help others in similar situations. He left a legacy in his will to The Leeds Hospital Charity to be used for treatment, equipment or research for kidney cancer.

I am so happy to report that his contribution has been allocated to the HOPE research project concerning kidney transplants. This has been a vital part of closure for me and he would have been so happy with the outcome.

It is so important to offer help in this way in the form of donations which are essential in the advancement of new treatment techniques and other scenarios which are not included in NHS funding. I would urge relatives and friends to seriously consider doing the same as my husband did.”

Susan Prentice

READ MORE: Clinical trial hopes to improve kidney transplants in Leeds

“Making a Will is something that so many of us leave too late. Few of us are without people for whom we care and who we would wish to remember when we are gone and the same goes for the causes we have supported. 

Using the excellent and inexpensive services of Bequeathed has allowed me to direct my legacy gifts to both my nearest and dearest and benefit Leeds Hospitals Charity at the same time.”

Andrew Forsyth

READ MORE: Write your Will online for free

Need more help?

Please feel free to get in touch by emailing Susan Baulk at [email protected] or calling0113 539 8198, and we’ll do everything we can to help.

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