Innovation in Health Care:

On Monday 13th May we hosted a session of the LTHT Innovation Club, which is a monthly session organised by the team at the Innovation Pop Up.  The session featured colleagues from across the Trust who have received funding from Leeds Hospitals Charity for innovation projects, including:

  • An innovation to aid the recovery after teeth extractions - watch here
  • A resource bank of wearable and biophysical assessment technologies within Oncology CSU - watch here
  • A 3D printed model for surgical training in urology - watch here

At the session we launched our most recent funding opportunity for Innovation in Healthcare - watch here

Applications are open now until 21 June 2024 and we’re interested in receiving proposals that relate to a new way of doing something that has the potential to enhance patient experience or patient outcomes within the next five years.

We are looking for a range of projects and initiatives of varying value from £75 to £10,000.

Find out more: Innovation in Healthcare

Research and Innovation Conference:

Last week, we attended the LTHT Research and Innovation Conference.

Leeds Hospitals Charity was one of the supporters of the event and some of the many R&I projects that we have funded were presented at the conference. It was a great opportunity for us to engage with staff and attendees about the new funding program for 2024/25, which includes exciting opportunities for research.

At the event we launched two funding opportunities for Research applications:

Research Seed Funding Grant: £75 - £10,000

Application window open: 15 May - 17 June 2024

Proposals should aim to reduce health inequalities, demonstrate potential for sustainable change and advance understanding in a particular area. We are looking for a range of research of varying value that will have a direct impact on patients treated and cared for at Leeds Teaching Hospitals over the next 5 - 10 years.

Find out more: Research Seed Funding

Research Pump Prime Funding Grant: £10,001 - £50,000

Application window open: 15 May – 10 June 2024

Proposals should aim to reduce health inequalities, demonstrate potential for sustainable change and advance understanding in a particular area. We are aiming to fund one or more application that will have a direct impact on patients treated and cared for at Leeds Teaching Hospitals over the next 5 years.

We are looking to support high quality research applications that support pump priming, proof of principle, feasibility studies or research that has the potential to lead to more, such as a larger grant from a different funder.

Find out more: Research Pump Prime Funding

Read more: the difference donations make